We are expecting a litter early April 2024, this will be with our third generation female VenatorDream Paris (Lola) who has a great nose and a huge passion for work, a very biddable young dog with a great working future ahead of her.
We used the fabulous looking and incredibly talented Ever So Eric stud dog, with his excellent lines, he is a great match for our girl
Here at VenatorDream Gundogs we are K.C Assured Breeders that make every effort to expand the gene pool in the UK and abroad, mostly our lines are from Import/ foreign dogs, having established good contacts in Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Serbia, Netherlands, and Australia, we diligently research blood lines before we consider a mating , which of course is hugely beneficial for the continued health of the breed (the COI for this mating is 3.2)
The last two pics attached are VenatorDream Sylva (Lola's mum) and Sylvas litter brother VenatorDream Arlo who was purchased by one of the top kennels in the Netherlands, a kennel we consider to be a leader in the breed development
VenatorDream Arlo has been very successful on the world show circuits, achieving many world show awards and nearer to home is a Dutch champion
VenatorDream Sylva
Sylva is an outstanding female, having superb looks and a great coat, but for me she is a great hunter and worker, with an extremely biddable temperament, always willing to please!
A Pup from Sylva's litter was exported to Australia, with the Intentions of expanding/ Improving the gene pool, all three generations are extremely biddable, sociable with other dogs, humans, and Good around Stock
Molly Garamparty (Grandmother)
My foundation female Imported from the outstanding Garamparty kennel.
Molly is an exceptional worker and has won many FT awards, including a 1st in novice, and going on to win many awards in open FTs
Moving on from the FT scene we have been privileged for many years, to be able to work the Grouse moors around Airle castle in the Angus area of Scotland
We work as a dedicated team, for a valued client whose passion is for walked up rough shooting, after the grouse season closes, we are Invited back in December to point woodcock for his guns
I have now opened my waiting list and as anticipated, Interest is high, priority will be given to working homes or active
agility sports people
Venatordream Paris (Lola) Mother

VenatorDream Paris (Lola) 8 weeks

Ever So Eric - Father

Lola's mother Venatordream Sylva

For further Information – huntingdogseurope@outlook.com www.huntingdogseurope.com
Garry +44(0) 7968790028